Photo of Nathalie E. A. Paluch and Peter A. Lauzon

How do courts decide spousal support in high-value divorces?

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2025 | Divorce |

Spousal support, also called alimony, plays a big role in high-value divorces. Courts consider different factors when determining support amounts. They review the length of the marriage, each spouse’s income, and the lifestyle they maintained. In cases with substantial wealth or assets, courts also examine business ownership, investments, and additional income sources.

Types of spousal support

Spousal support comes in different forms. Temporary support helps the lower-earning spouse cover expenses during the divorce process. Rehabilitative support allows one spouse to gain education or training to become financially independent. Long-term or permanent support applies when one spouse cannot achieve financial stability on their own. Some couples opt for a one-time payment instead of ongoing support.

Factors influencing support in high-value cases

High-asset divorces involve complex financial evaluations when determining spousal support. Courts assess tax implications, business interests, and income from investments or rental properties. A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can impact support terms. If one spouse sacrificed career opportunities to support the other, that factor may also influence the final decision.

Negotiating or modifying spousal support

Many high-value divorces result in negotiated settlements instead of court rulings. A well-structured settlement can simplify payments and offer tax advantages. Support agreements may also change if financial circumstances shift, such as job loss or remarriage.

People involved in high-value divorces must prepare detailed financial records and undergo evaluations. Financial professionals can provide guidance to ensure fair support arrangements. Understanding spousal support helps streamline the divorce process and allows both spouses to secure financial stability.