What To Know About The Divorce Process
Divorce is a big decision. At the Lauzon Paluch in Los Angeles, we are dedicated to helping you understand the divorce process so you can make informed decisions about you future.
Our lawyers will guide you through your divorce, explaining what you can expect along the way. To help you get a better understanding of divorce proceedings in California, we have put together a list of what happens during divorce, once one or both spouses have decided to move forward with divorce.
Divorce proceedings generally follow this order:
File for divorce – We will either serve the divorce petition or receive the divorce petition from your spouse.
Respond to the divorce petition – Together, we will respond to any paperwork we receive and file it with the courts. It is really important to properly complete the petition, otherwise it can impact the outcome of your divorce.
Request temporary custody and support orders – This includes spousal support, child support and temporary child custody petitions.
Respond to request – Each side is able to provide a response to requests for support and temporary child custody, explaining their side and to help protect their rights.
Attend temporary child custody and/or spousal support hearing – California requires parents to go to Child Custody Recommending Counseling when child custody or visitation disputes arise.
Complete financial disclosures – Both spouses are required to disclose their income, assets and expenses. It is important to be accurate and complete when completing these disclosures.
Discovery process – This step is completed by each party’s attorney. This may include use of professionals and experts to testify in your case.
Settlement negotiations or mediation – Both parties will try to reach a fair settlement that both sides can agree to. If a settlement isn’t reached, proceed to trial.
Trial – Trial is required when a settlement cannot be reached between both parties. Almost all divorce trials are in front of a judge. Your trial may include witness testimony from both sides and a presentation of photographs and other records.
Finalize the divorce – Your divorce decree will be finalized. This is also the time to address any post-judgment issues such as transferring property, changing titles and insurance, and closing joint bank accounts.
Get Your Questions Answered. Contact Our Law Firm.
Our law firm is committed to helping you find a resolution that works for you. Divorce is a complicated, emotional process. We will provide sound legal advice with a compassionate approach to help you move forward with your life.
Thinking about filing for divorce? Want to explore your options? Speak to our attorneys by calling 310-432-7188 or send us an email.