Photo of Nathalie E. A. Paluch and Peter A. Lauzon

Family Law Attorneys Catering To The Needs Of Professional Athletes

Dealing with family law problems is often difficult enough. When professional athletes are involved, there are more things to be dealt with. Professional athletes are typically high-wage earners, live in the public spotlight, and often are traveling and moving. This combination of factors requires a skilled family law lawyer to protect rights and interests.

Lauzon Paluch is a Southern California firm providing comprehensive family law services to clients throughout Southern California.

Our Los Angeles family law lawyers have 47 years of combined experience and know how to efficiently guide professional athletes through divorce, custody and visitation disputes, property division, and paternity actions.

Effective Paternity Representation

A growing area of our practice is handling paternity actions for professional athletes. These actions involve unmarried parents where one seeks parental rights against the other. The first step is to conduct a paternity test and for the athlete to determine whether he is the father of the child. Whatever our clients’ preference, we will pursue their goals and help them get their desired outcome in a paternity case.

With any issues involving children, we understand the unique situations for professional athletes and are prepared to address:

  • Where the parties will live because of the athlete’s travel schedule
  • Team trading
  • Special pension plans
  • Custody and visitation issues (off season and on season)

Our firm is familiar with the unique circumstances and priorities for professional athletes and we tailor our approach to meet those specific needs.

Contact Our Attorneys

For experienced family law representation in Southern California, contact our Los Angeles office at 310-432-7188 or send us an email.